CPAP Informazioni sul mercato dei dispositivi
Il mercato globale della pressione delle vie aeree continue (CPAP Device Market) è stato valutato a 4,490,23 milioni di dollari nel 2021 e dovrebbe salire con un CAGR del 7,0% dal 2022 al 2028 durante il periodo di previsione. I dispositivi CPAP sono usati per curare le malattie legate alla respirazione e quindi mandare un flusso costante di ossigeno al naso e alla bocca senza interrompere la respirazione. Una quantità limitata di ossigeno può anche portare a mortalità e morbilità e quindi i dispositivi CPAP trovano applicazioni in problemi di respirazione.
Aumentare la consapevolezza tra i consumatori riguardo all’apnea ostruttiva del sonno spingerà la crescita del mercato per il mercato dei dispositivi a pressione positiva continua. Ad esempio, secondo gli studi in NCBI nel 2019, le malattie cardiovascolari sono la causa principale della morte e hanno causato un forte impatto in India. Secondo l’India Brand Equity Foundation (2021-2022), il governo ha annunciato le spese di Rs. 64.180 crore (8,80 miliardi di dollari) per l’individuazione e la cura di nuove e emergenti malattie e per rafforzare le capacità di assistenza primaria, secondaria e terziaria, sistemi sanitari.
Inoltre, la crescente consapevolezza tra i consumatori riguardo all’apnea ostruttiva del sonno guida il mercato dei dispositivi CPAP. Una diagnosi iniziale della malattia stimola anche il mercato dei dispositivi CPAP. I disturbi del sonno sono sempre più riconoscibili nelle nazioni in via di sviluppo.
Inoltre, paesi in via di sviluppo come l’India e il Brasile sono i paesi più popolati del mondo. Questi paesi hanno una grande piscina di pazienti che soffre di malattie croniche come il cancro, le malattie cardiovascolari, le malattie respiratorie, i disturbi gastrointestinali e altri in tutto il mondo. Così, i paesi in via di sviluppo come l’India, la Corea del Sud e altre nazioni stanno investendo in larga misura nello sviluppo di infrastrutture sanitarie che darebbero un impulso al mercato dei dispositivi CPAP nei prossimi anni.
Inoltre, varie iniziative governative per migliorare le condizioni di salute dei suoi cittadini serviranno a alimentare il mercato nei prossimi anni. I paesi con grandi gruppi di pazienti soffrono di diverse malattie e quindi richiedono strutture sanitarie adeguate per soddisfare la domanda sempre crescente di strutture mediche. Questo favorirebbe il mercato dei dispositivi CPAP.
Impatto COVID-19 sul CPAP globale Mercato dei dispositivi
L’impatto della pandemia sui dispositivi CPAP è stato positivo. Una grande popolazione di pazienti COVID-19 trattati con CPAP al di fuori dell’ICC. Secondo la relazione di Science Direct, il CPAP è stato raccomandato in molti orientamenti come supporto respiratorio non invasivo durante la pandemia di COVID-19 in molti paesi del mondo. Il CPAP ha la minima quantità di dispersione delle particelle e di contaminazione dell’aria rispetto ai dispositivi non invasivi e ha contribuito a mitigare la carenza di letto ICU durante un aumento del COVID e a ridurre la domanda di ventilatori. Inoltre, per i pazienti affetti da COVID, il CPAP promuove le variabili cardiovascolari protezione effetti che aiutano a ridurre l’ipercoagulabilità, a ridurre l’attivazione delle piastrine, la forza dei coaguli, l’ematocrito e a ridurre la viscosità del sangue.
La pandemia di COVID-19 ha avuto un impatto positivo sul mercato dei dispositivi CPAP. Molte nazioni dopo il COVID-19 hanno facilitato il blocco e molte hanno chiuso completamente il blocco. Anche dopo il COVID e durante la pandemia, il CPAP globale ha ottenuto vendite e richieste moderate positive da tutto il mondo. Post-COVID, il mercato del CPAP ha mostrato una crescita positiva.
CPAP globale Mercato dei dispositivi Relazione
CPAP Il mercato dei dispositivi è segmentato per tipo di prodotto, gruppo di età, applicazione e regione. per tipo di prodotto, il mercato è segmentato in (macchine (un CPAP a pressione, PAP ad aggiustamento automatico, CPAP di viaggio, due CPAP a pressione aerea), maschere (schermo facciale, maschera nasale, altri), accessori). per gruppo di età (età 18 anni, fino a 18 anni). per applicazione (ospitali, cliniche e case di cura, case). La relazione riguarda anche le dimensioni del mercato e le previsioni per il mercato globale dei dispositivi CPAP in 26 paesi in tutte le principali regioni.
Relazione | Dettagli della relazione |
Calendario dello studio | 2016-2028 |
Dimensione del mercato nel 2028 | $ 7011.10 milioni |
CAGR (2022-2028) | 7,0% |
Per tipo di prodotto | Macchine, un CPAP a pressione, PAP ad aggiustamento automatico, Travel CPAP, due CPAP a pressione aerea, maschere, maschera facciale, maschera nasale, altri, accessori |
Gruppo per età | Sopra i 18 anni, fino ai 18 anni |
Per applicazione | Ospedali, cliniche e case di cura, casa |
Per geografia | Nord America: USA, Canada, Messico
Europa: Germania, Francia, Regno Unito, Russia, Italia, Spagna, BENELUX, Rest of Euro |
Asia Pacifico: Cina, Giappone, India, Corea del Sud, Australia, ASEAN, Rest of Asia Pacific
America Latina: Brasile, Argentina, Cile, resto dell’America Latina
Medio Oriente e Africa: GCC, Turchia, Israele, Resto della MEA
CPAP globale Analisi segmentata del mercato dei dispositivi
Ricerca di mercato La Comunità fornisce un’ampia analisi delle dimensioni, delle quote e delle principali tendenze di ogni sottosegmento del mercato globale dei dispositivi CPAP, insieme alle previsioni a livello globale, regionale e nazionale dal 2022 al 2028.
Per tipo di prodotto, il segmento macchine detiene la quota più importante del mercato globale dei dispositivi CPAP
Il segmento macchine rappresentava un reddito di mercato di 2.338,37 milioni di dollari nel 2020 del mercato dei dispositivi CPAP. Questo segmento dovrebbe crescere a un CAGR del 7,3% durante il periodo di previsione per raggiungere 3,869,16 milioni di dollari entro il 2028. Le macchine sono inoltre divise in una sola pressione, CPAP, CPAP per l’auto-regolazione, CPAP per il viaggio e due pressioni dell’aria. Il CPAP è il principale azionista di mercato e dovrebbe crescere più velocemente tra gli altri.
Il fattore chiave che dovrebbe guidare il mercato è che la macchina CPAP invia un flusso costante di ossigeno nel naso e nella bocca mentre il paziente dorme. Questo mantiene le vie aeree aperte e aiuta il paziente a respirare normalmente. Il CPAP fornisce al corpo una quantità continua di ossigeno mentre dorme e quindi aiuta a prevenire le interruzioni della respirazione.
Più di 18 anni sono:
Segmento principale nel segmento del gruppo di età del mercato dei dispositivi CPAPPiù di 18 anni guida il mercato con una stima di 3 6661,5 milioni di dollari nel 2021 e un CAGR del 6,8%.
L’aumento della domanda è dovuto al fatto che l’uso di dispositivi CPAP è molto comune nella popolazione sopra i 18 anni. Secondo l’American Journal of Epidemiology, il tasso di prevalenza dell’apnea ostruttiva del sonno è aumentato a causa dell’epidemia di obesità. Il numero crescente di casi negli adulti guiderà il mercato dei dispositivi CPAP per tutto il periodo previsto.
Gli ospedali sono il segmento principale del segmento di applicazione del mercato dei dispositivi CPAP.
Gli ospedali guidano la quota di mercato con una valutazione di 2 159,68 milioni di dollari nel 2021 e si prevede che crescerà con un CAGR del 6,7%.
Gli ospedali sono i maggiori azionisti del mercato dei dispositivi CPAP. I CPAP sono ampiamente utilizzati per aiutare i pazienti con malattie cardiache e respiratorie durante il periodo di intervento o di recupero. Con l’aumento del numero di malattie cardiache e respiratorie, il mercato dei dispositivi CPAP crescerà nel segmento ospedaliero.
Gli Stati Uniti dominano il mercato dei dispositivi CPAP
L’America del Nord guida la quota di mercato con una valutazione di 2.477,03 milioni di dollari e CAGR del 6,1% nel 2021.
CPAP globale Il mercato dei dispositivi paesaggi competitivi
CPAP globale Lo studio del mercato dei dispositivi è moderatamente competitivo, con un numero considerevole di attori regionali e globali. Le strategie primarie adottate da queste imprese comprendono espansioni, innovazioni di prodotto, fusioni e acquisizioni.
I giocatori chiave
- Apex Medical Corporation
- BMC Medical Co. Ltd.
- BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Braebon Medical Corporation
- Delta A Healthcare
- Guidare DeVilbiss Healthcare
- Elmaslar Medikal A.Ş.
- Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation
- Hebei Topson Medical Technology Co.
- Koninklijke Philips N.V.
- Löwenstein Medical Technology GmbH + Co. K.G.
- Medi Waves, Inc.
Una rete di distribuzione avanzata dà un vantaggio competitivo ai principali operatori del mercato globale dei dispositivi CPAP. Inoltre, i giocatori devono innovare continuamente, lavorare e crescere sul mercato, a causa della rapida evoluzione dei bisogni e delle scelte dei consumatori.
Sviluppi recenti
- Settembre 2020 – ResMed ha lanciato AirTouch N20 Foam CPAP La maschera. L’AirTouch N20 è l’aggiunta più recente alla linea di ResMed di maschere CPAP innovative, dispositivi connessi e tecnologie di salute digitale che hanno aiutato milioni di persone che soffrono di apnea, BPCO e altre condizioni croniche. Il lancio della maschera AirTouch N20 ha aumentato le entrate della società.
How big is the CPAP Device Market?
The Global CPAP Device Market is expected value to reach USD 7,011.10 Million in 2028.
Who are the main players operating in this industry?
Apex Medical Corporation, BMC Medical Co. Ltd., BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Braebon Medical Corporation, Delta A Healthcare are the main players operating in this industry.
Which region contributed the greatest share of the market growth?
North America contributed the greatest share of the market growth.
What were the impacts of COVID-19 on this market growth?
The CPAP has the least amount of particle dispersion and air defile compared to noninvasive devices and helped mitigate the ICU bed shortage during a COVID surge and decreased the demand for ventilators.
Which is the leading application segment in this market?
Hospitals are the leading application segment in this market.
Table of Content
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Market Introduction
1.2 Market Research Methodology
1.2.1 Research Process
1.2.2 Primary Research
1.2.3 Secondary Research
1.2.4 Data Collection Technique
1.2.5 Data Sources
1.3 Market Estimation Methodology
1.3.1 Limitations of the Study
1.4 Product Picture of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices
1.5 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market: Classification
1.6 Geographic Scope
1.7 Years Considered for the Study
1.8 Research Methodology in brief:
1.9 Parent Market Overview
1.10 Overall Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Regional Demand
1.11 Research Programs/Design
1.12 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation Approach
1.13 Data Source
1.14 Secondary Sources
1.15 Primary Sources
1.16 Primary Interviews:
1.17 Average primary breakdown ratio
Chapter 2 Executive Summary
2.1 Business Trends
2.2 Regional Trends
2.3 Product Type Trends
2.4 Age Group Trends
2.5 Application Trends
Chapter 3 Market Dynamics
3.1 Drivers
3.1.1 Growing awareness on ill effects of untreated sleep apnea is driving the demand for CPAP devices.
3.1.2 Sedentary lifestyles leading to challenges of obesity in adults and children would make a global burden of OSA fueling the demand for CPAP devices in the coming years
3.2 Restraints
3.2.1 The high cost of the machine along with alternatives such as mandibular advancement devices (MADs) is expected to hinder market growth in the coming years
3.3 Opportunities
3.3.1 Rising expenditure on healthcare infrastructure development especially in the developing nations will provide lucrative growth opportunities for the CPAP device market
3.3.2 Impact forces for market dynamics Rising awareness among people about obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is expected to have a positive impact on the market A surge in healthcare expenditure by developing nations coupled with the emergence of a pandemic will have a positive impact on the market
3.4 Industry Value Chain
3.4.1 Upstream analysis
3.4.2 Downstream analysis
3.5 Potential Customers
3.6 Manufacturing/Operational Cost Analysis
3.7 Key Technology Landscape
3.7.1 Travel CPAP Device
3.7.2 Innovative Feature
3.7.3 Humidification
3.8 Regulatory Analysis
3.8.1 Specification for CPAP System
3.8.2 Other Specification
3.8.3 Biological Safety
3.8.4 Electricity Supply
3.8.5 Infection Control
3.8.6 Manufacturing Process
3.9 Porter’s Analysis
3.9.1 Buyer Power
3.9.2 Substitution Threat
3.9.3 Supplier Power
3.9.4 Threat from New Entry
3.9.5 Competitive Rivalry
3.10 PESTEL Analysis
3.10.1 Political Factors
3.10.2 Economic Factor
3.10.3 Social Factors
3.10.4 Technological Factor
3.10.5 Environmental Factors
3.10.6 Legal Factor
3.11 Covid-19 impact on Global economy
3.12 Covid-19 impact on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices demand
3.13 Post-Covid Impact on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Demand
Chapter 4 Global CPAP Device Market Analysis Forecast by Product Type
4.1 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Segment by Product Type
4.1.1 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue Share (%), by Product Type, 2021
4.1.2 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
4.2 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
4.2.1 Machines One Pressure CPAP Auto-adjusting PAP Travel CPAP Two Air Pressure CPAP
4.2.2 Masks Face Mask Nasal Mask Others
4.2.3 Accessories
Chapter 5 Global CPAP Device Market Analysis Forecast by Age Group
5.1 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Segment by Age Group
5.1.1 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue Share (%), by Age Group, 2021
5.1.2 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
5.2 Global CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
5.2.1 Above 18 Years
5.2.2 Up to 18 Years
Chapter 6 Global CPAP Device Market Analysis Forecast by Application
6.1 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Segment by Application
6.1.1 Global CPAP Device Market Revenue Share (%), by Application, 2021
6.1.2 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
6.2 Global CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
6.2.1 Hospitals
6.2.2 Clinics & Nursing Homes
6.2.3 Home
Chapter 7 CPAP Device Market by Players
7.1 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue Share (%): Competitive Analysis, 2020
7.1.1 Key entry strategies adopted by market players
7.1.2 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue (USD Million), By Manufacturer 2020
7.1.3 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue Share (%), By Manufacturer 2020
7.1.4 Global CPAP Device Market Player Positioning, By Manufacturer 2020
7.2 Global Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market: Recent Development
Chapter 8 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices by Regions
8.1 Global Overview, By Region
8.1.1 Global CPAP Device Market Revenue, By region
8.2 Global CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), 2016- 2028
8.2.1 Global Revenue Share (%) by Region, 2021
8.3 North America
8.3.1 North America CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), 2016-2028
8.4 Asia Pacific
8.4.1 Asia Pacific Revenue (USD Million), 2016-2028
8.5 Europe
8.5.1 Europe Revenue (USD Million), 2016-2028
8.6 Latin America
8.6.1 Latin America Revenue (USD Million), 2016-2028
8.7 Middle East & Africa
8.7.1 Middle East & Africa Revenue (USD Million), 2016-2028
Chapter 9 North America
9.1 North America Size by Countries
9.1.1 North America Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices Market Revenue (USD Million) by Countries (2016-2021)
9.1.2 North America CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
9.1.3 North America Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
9.1.4 North America Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
9.2 United States
9.2.1 U.S. Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
9.2.2 U.S. Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
9.2.3 U.S. Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
9.3 Canada
9.3.1 Canada CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
9.3.2 Canada Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
9.3.3 Canada Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
9.4 Mexico
9.4.1 Mexico CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
9.4.2 Mexico Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
9.4.3 Mexico Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
Chapter 10 Europe
10.1 Europe Size by Countries
10.1.1 Europe Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) DevicesMarket Revenue (USD Million) by Countries (2016-2021)
10.1.2 Europe CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.1.3 Europe Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.1.4 Europe Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
10.2 Germany
10.2.1 Germany CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.2.2 Germany Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.2.3 Germany Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
10.3 France
10.3.1 France Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.3.2 France Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.3.3 France Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
10.4 UK
10.4.1 UK Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.4.2 UK Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.4.3 UK Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
10.5 Spain
10.5.1 Spain CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.5.2 Spain Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.5.3 Spain Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
10.6 Russia
10.6.1 Russia CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.6.2 Russia Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.6.3 Russia Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
10.7 Italy
10.7.1 Italy CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.7.2 Italy Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.7.3 Italy Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
10.8.1 BENELUX CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
10.8.2 BENELUX Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
10.8.3 BENELUX Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
Chapter 11 Asia Pacific
11.1 Asia Pacific CPAP Device Market Size by Countries
11.1.1 Asia Pacific Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) DevicesMarket Revenue (USD Million) by Countries (2016-2021)
11.1.2 Asia Pacific Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
11.1.3 Asia Pacific Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
11.1.4 Asia Pacific Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
11.2 China
11.2.1 China CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
11.2.2 China CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
11.2.3 China Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
11.3 Japan
11.3.1 Japan CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
11.3.2 Japan Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
11.3.3 Japan Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
11.4 Australia
11.4.1 Australia CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
11.4.2 Australia Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
11.4.3 Australia CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
11.5 South Korea
11.5.1 South Korea CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
11.5.2 South Korea Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
11.5.3 South Korea CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
11.6 India
11.6.1 India CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
11.6.2 India Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
11.6.3 India CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
11.7 ASEAN
11.7.1 ASEAN Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
11.7.2 ASEAN Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
11.7.3 ASEAN CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
Chapter 12 Latin America
12.1 Latin America CPAP Device Market Size by Countries
12.1.1 Latin America Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) DevicesMarket Revenue (USD Million) by Countries (2016-2021)
12.1.2 Latin America CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
12.1.3 Latin America Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
12.1.4 Latin America CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
12.2 Brazil
12.2.1 Brazil CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
12.2.2 Brazil Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
12.2.3 Brazil Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
12.3 Argentina
12.3.1 Argentina CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
12.3.2 Argentina Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
12.3.3 Argentina Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
12.4 Chile
12.4.1 Chile CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
12.4.2 Chile Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
12.4.3 Chile Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
Chapter 13 Middle East and Africa
13.1 Middle East and Africa CPAP Device Market Size by Countries
13.1.1 Middle East and Africa Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) DevicesMarket Revenue (USD Million) by Countries (2016-2021)
13.1.2 Middle East and Africa CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
13.1.3 Middle East and Africa Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
13.1.4 Middle East and Africa Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
13.2 GCC
13.2.1 GCC CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
13.2.2 GCC Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
13.2.3 GCC Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
13.3 Turkey
13.3.1 Turkey Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
13.3.2 Turkey Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
13.3.3 Turkey Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
13.4 South Africa
13.4.1 South Africa CPAP Device Market Revenue (USD Million), by Product Type, 2016 – 2028
13.4.2 South Africa Revenue (USD Million), by Age Group, 2016 – 2028
13.4.3 South Africa Revenue (USD Million), by Application, 2016 – 2028
Chapter 14 Competitive Analysis
14.1 Apex Medical Corporation
14.1.1 Business Overview
14.1.2 Apex Medical Corporation Business Financials (USD Million)
14.1.3 Apex Medical Corporation CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.1.4 Apex Medical Corporation Main Business/Business Overview
14.1.5 Apex Medical Corporation Recent Development
14.1.6 Apex Medical Corporation Swot Analysis
14.2 BMC Medical Co. Ltd.
14.2.1 Business Overview
14.2.2 BMC Medical Co. Ltd.Business Financials
Note: Company financials have not been provided due to data unavailability on public domain
14.2.3 BMC Medical Co. Ltd.CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.2.4 BMC Medical Co. Ltd.Main Business/Business Overview
14.2.5 BMC Medical Co. Ltd.Recent Development
14.2.6 BMC Medical Co. Ltd.Swot Analysis
14.3 BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
14.3.1 Business Overview
14.3.2 BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Business Financials (USD Million)
14.3.3 BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.3.4 BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Main Business/Business Overview
14.3.5 BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Recent Development
14.3.6 BPL Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Swot Analysis
14.4 Braebon Medical Corporation
14.4.1 Business Overview
14.4.2 Braebon Medical Corporation Business Financials
Note: Company financials have not been provided due to data unavailability on public domain
14.4.3 Braebon Medical Corporation CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.4.4 Braebon Medical Corporation Main Business/Business Overview
14.4.5 Braebon Medical Corporation Recent Development
14.4.6 Braebon Medical Corporation Swot Analysis
14.5 Delta A Healthcare
14.5.1 Business Overview
14.5.2 Delta A Healthcare Business Financials
Note: Company financials have not been provided due to data unavailability on public domain
14.5.3 Delta A Healthcare CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.5.4 Delta A Healthcare Main Business/Business Overview
14.5.5 Delta A Healthcare Swot Analysis
14.6 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare
14.6.1 Business Overview
14.6.2 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Business Financials
Note: Company financials have not been provided due to data unavailability on public domain
14.6.3 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.6.4 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Main Business/Business Overview
14.6.5 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Recent Development
14.6.6 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Swot Analysis
14.7 Elmaslar Medikal A.Ş.
14.7.1 Business Overview
14.7.2 Elmaslar Medikal A.Ş. Business Financials
Note: Company financials have not been provided due to data unavailability on public domain
14.7.3 Elmaslar Medikal A.Ş. CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.7.4 Elmaslar Medikal A.Ş. Main Business/Business Overview
14.7.5 Elmaslar Medikal A.Ş. Recent Development
14.7.6 Elmaslar Medikal A.Ş. Swot Analysis
14.8 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation
14.8.1 Business Overview
14.8.2 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Business Financials (USD Million)
14.8.3 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.8.4 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Main Business/Business Overview
14.8.5 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Geographical Analysis
14.8.6 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Recent Development
14.8.7 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Swot Analysis
14.9 Hebei Topson Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
14.9.1 Business Overview
14.9.2 Hebei Topson Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Business Financials
Note: Company financials have not been provided due to data unavailability on public domain
14.9.3 Hebei Topson Medical Technology Co., Ltd. CPAP Devices Product Category, Type and Specification
14.9.4 Hebei Topson Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Main Business/Business Overview
14.9.5 Hebei Topson Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Swot Analysis
14.10 Koninklijke Philips N.V.
14.10.1 Business Overview
14.10.2 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Business Financials (USD Million)
14.10.3 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Product Category, Type and Specification
14.10.4 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Main Business/Business Overview
14.10.5 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Geographical Analysis
14.10.6 Swot Analysis
14.11 Löwenstein Medical Technology GmbH + Co. K.G.
14.11.1 Business Overview
14.11.2 Löwenstein Medical Technology GmbH + Co. K.G. Business Financials
14.11.3 Löwenstein Medical Technology GmbH + Co. K.G. Product Category, Type, and Specification
14.11.4 Löwenstein Medical Technology GmbH + Co. K.G. Main Business/Business Overview
14.11.5 Swot Analysis
14.12 Medi Waves, Inc.
14.12.1 Business Overview
14.12.2 MediWaves, Inc. Business Financials
14.12.3 MediWaves, Inc. Product Category, Type, and Specification
14.12.4 MediWaves, Inc. Main Business/Business Overview
14.12.5 Swot Analysis
14.13 Medtech Arge Medikal Tic. Ltd. Şti.
14.13.1 Business Overview
14.13.2 Medtech Arge Medikal Tic. Ltd. Şti. Business Financials
14.13.3 Medtech Arge Medikal Tic. Ltd. Şti. Product Category, Type, and Specification
14.13.4 Medtech Arge Medikal Tic. Ltd. Şti. Main Business/Business Overview
14.13.5 Swot Analysis
14.14 ResMed, Inc.
14.14.1 Business Overview
14.14.2 ResMed, Inc. Business Financials (USD Million)
14.14.3 ResMed, Inc. Product Category, Type and Specification
14.14.4 ResMed, Inc. Main Business/Business Overview
14.14.5 ResMed, Inc. Geographical Analysis
14.14.6 ResMed, Inc. Recent Development
14.14.7 Swot Analysis
14.15 Resvent Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
14.15.1 Business Overview
14.15.2 Resvent Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Business Financials
14.15.3 Resvent Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Product Category, Type and Specification
14.15.4 Resvent Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Main Business/Business Overview
14.15.5 Swot Analysis
14.16 SEFAM
14.16.1 Business Overview
14.16.2 SEFAM Business Financials
14.16.3 SEFAM Product Category, Type, and Specification
14.16.4 SEFAM Main Business/Business Overview
14.16.5 Swot Analysis
14.17 Teijin Ltd.
14.17.1 Business Overview
14.17.2 Teijin Ltd. Business Financials (USD Million)
14.17.3 Teijin Ltd. Product Category, Type and Specification
14.17.4 Teijin Ltd. Main Business/Business Overview
14.17.5 Swot Analysis
Chapter 15 Market Research Findings & Conclusion
Research Methodology
The Market Research Community offers numerous solutions and its full addition in the research methods to be skilled at each step. We use wide-ranging resources to produce the best outcome for our customers. The achievement of a research development is completely reliant on the research methods implemented by the company. We always faithful to our clients to find opportunities by examining the global market and offering economic insights.Market Research Community are proud of our widespread coverage that encompasses the understanding of numerous major industry domains. Company offers consistency in our research report, we also offers on the part of the analysis of forecast across a range of coverage geographies and coverage. The research teams carry out primary and secondary research to carry out and design the data collection methods.